Eric's Bio
| History | Bands | Songs |
Eric Kerns, born and bred in New England, grew up in the suburbs like so many baby boomers in America during the rebellious 70s. Influenced by the melodic singer songwriters and the experimental rock and blues of the era, Eric gravitated towards the less commercial, and more socially and politically engaged artists of the time and does still to this day.
Shaped by years on the road as a front man and bass player, Eric longed to also write and record his own songs, and to try his luck at being a singer songwriter himself.
Armed in one hand with his acoustic guitar and in the other his songbook filled with ideals, dreams, and stories, Eric left his home and flew across the Atlantic to Europe to hone his craft on the streets of Amsterdam and Utrecht.
Without pretense, but with beautifully simple and effective honesty, Eric brings us his stories straight from the heart. Tales about huge loss and wise reward, songs about staying true to one’s moral compass contrary to the trends of the day. He shares with us his personal experience of love’s real presence and potential pitfalls. Songs about our much overlooked interconnectedness, but also about finding meaning in the bittersweet memories a man makes over time.

Eric takes us by surprise with songs that are heartfelt musical lightning rods about you, me, and our world. Always open, always straight from the heart and with respect for his musical roots. As critical of his own ego, as he is of the political powers that be, Eric pulls no punches and has fit right in to his new Dutch surroundings.
Without any glitz or glamour to seduce you, be taken on a heartfelt musical journey with a big dose of humor and charm from a musician who has paid his dues and yet has taken the time to show you the world from his eyes to your ears thru song. Songs filled with big and raw emotions laid softly and sweetly at your feet. Dance in his joy and be devastated by good grief.
With a voice that caresses, comforts, and growls, Eric takes his audience from up beat Americana to ballads, from razor sharp protest songs to perfect pearls of human insight and love.
That is Eric Kerns